Floodlight Viscera #24 Now Available!

It's zine day! Floodlight Viscera issue 24 is now available.  You can read a digital pdf copy online via floodlightviscera.com, or you can buy a copy for $1 from my etsy store. If you're in Melbourne, you'll also find it stocked at the Sticky Institute.

And my goodness me, that makes today FLV's second birthday 💙 I love my little zine so much, it's a piece of writing that's purely for me, purely low pressure, and it's done so much for me.

I'll see about making a volume 2 anthology soon!

Floodlight Viscera 20 Now Available!

It's zine day!  Floodlight Viscera issue 20 is now available.

I don't normally do content warnings for FLV, but this issue does contain suicide imagery, so please tread carefully if needed, friends.

You can download a free digital pdf copy via the website floodlightviscera.com, or you can buy a physical copy for $1 either via my etsy, or at Sticky Institute, in Melbourne.


Surprise!  I have a new zine for you!

RAUNCH MONSTROSITY is a smutty poetry zine about fucking monsters.  Ghosts, demons, werewolves, unknowable creatures of bone and so much more, RAUNCH MONSTROSITY is a carnal exploration of humans and monsters coming together in more ways than one.

Containing 13 poems in varying themes and structures, everything from gentle adoration to sadomasochistic feasting rests within its pages.

You can buy a digital copy of RAUNCH MONSTROSITY for $3 over on my etsy, or you can buy a physical copy for $5 instead.

There will also be an audio version available, hopefully within the week.  I'll let you know when that's done too!

If you'd like to know immediately if I release any further issues of the zine, sign up to the mailing list over on raunchmonster.com.

Queer Out Here!

Queer Out Here is a new audio zine, about queers and queerness and the great outdoors.  It's a beautiful and incredibly varied selection of pieces, from all kinds of queer people from all over the world, in all different types of the outdoors.

I have a short piece in Issue One - an excerpt that I read from my own little zine, Floodlight Viscera issue 12.  I have added sound to it to support the poetry in a new way, to bring it new dimension.

Queer Out Here is completely free for you to listen to - check out issue one now!

New Audio!

With another amazing Midsumma done and dusted, once again I've come to make sure that if you were unable to come to a show, you can still hear my spoken word!

Head on over to the updated spoken word audio page for audio and transcripts of the two pieces I performed at Midsumma this month, as well as many pieces from years before!

Love and Luck is LIVE!!!

My dear friends!  After almost a year of hard work, I'm very happy to be able to tell you that my queer romance audio drama podcast, Love and Luck, is now live!  The first three episodes are available, and it'll be publishing weekly updates for almost a full year of its first season!

Here's some helpful links on where you can listen to it:

It's been a lot of fun and a lot of work making this podcast, and I'm very happy with the result!  I hope you all enjoy it as well!

Floodlight Viscera Volume 1 Now Available

Well friends, it's been a year of making my little zine, and I decided to celebrate by putting together an anthology of the first 12 issues. 100 pages of dark, wet, and personal poetic writings from the last 12 months.

Floodlight Viscera Volume 1 is now available. Both as a lovely A5 size booklet (much bigger than the original mini zine sized issues!), and as a PDF that is a couple of dollars.

All the original digital issues are still free, the little price on the digital anthology is just to give you the option to support me :)

Floodlight Viscera & Radio Appearance

Hello friends!  I tell you, it's a busy time for me at the moment.  I have two bits of news for you today!

First up, Floodlight Viscera issue 12 is now available via floodlightviscera.com.  You can download a free pdf of it here, or buy a physical copy for $1 on etsy.  You can also find it stocked at Sticky Institute in Melbourne.

The second is that my partner Lee and I were on 3CR community radio yesterday as guests of the wonderful Sally Goldner, on her show Out of the Pan.  We talked about Love and Luck, and accessibility in the arts and the LGBTIQA+ community.  You can listen to the whole show online here.

Love and Luck News!

Friends, I have so much exciting news for you about my upcoming audio drama podcast!

The trailer is now available, so you can listen to it and subscribe via your favourite platform.  Here's a link to the Love and Luck new post about it, which has links to all the places you can listen - itunesyoutubestitcherpocketcastspodbean, and the direct RSS feed.

We're also having a special preview event as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival!  We're going to play the first FIVE episodes of the season (two more than will be available at launch!) at the wonderful Hares and Hyenas, on the 18th of September at 9pm.  Get all the details and buy tickets over on the MFF website.