Writers Victoria's Bold and Brilliant IDPWD Showcase

I am thrilled to be a part of Writers Victoria’s Bold and Brilliant: Disabled and Deaf Writers showcase, alongside Alex Creece, Jessica Walton, and Carly Findlay this coming IDPWD!

We will be reading some of our work, and taking part in a Q&A panel afterwards. It’s going to be a lovely time!

Buy Tickets Here

Podcasts On the Rise, via The Age

I was delighted to be one of the podcast industry people interviewed for this piece in the Age newspaper today, looking to where podcastng will go from here. It’s not only me that thinks that fiction podcasting is on the rise!

Podcasts leapfrog music collections, eye scripted content

The average Australian now spends more time listening to podcasts like Serial and This American Life than their privately-owned music collection.

Floodlight Viscera #38 Now Available!

It's zine day! Floodlight Viscera issue 38 is now available in pixels, print, and podcast. And it's another "I'm not letting any future archaeologist think I'm anything other than extremely queer" sort of work.

You can read a digital pdf copy online for free via floodlightviscera.com, buy a physical copy for $2 on etsy, or listen to me read the issue via the podcast.

Floodlight Viscera Volume 3 Now Available!

Floodlight Viscera Volume 3 is now available in pixels and print! All FLV issues from September 2018 to August 2019 in one convenient package.

A lovely a5 copy is available for $15 for those who want it, and if you'd rather not have some paper but you'd like to support my lil zine anyway, you can buy a digital anthology for $2.


I'm very excited to let you all know that I will be performing at QUIPPINGS: REBIRTH next month! With a focus on collaboration to produce longer pieces, this performance night of queer disabled artists is going to be something very special!! Get your tickets here - and don't wait too long, because we usually sell out!

Floodlight Viscera #36 Now Available!

It's zine day!  FLV36 is now available in pixels, print, and podcast!  Read a free digital copy online via floodlightviscera.combuy a physical copy for $2 via etsy, or listen to me read the issue via the podcast!

With issue 36, we come to the end of volume 3!  I will try and have anthology options available for purchase before next month's issue!

Nym's Nebulous Notions Now Available!

I'm so happy to announce the release of NYM'S NEBULOUS NOTIONS, a science fiction podcast I've been working on with some friends for the past couple of years!

In Nym's Nebulous Notions we follow our intrepid conspiracy investigator Nym as she seeks The Truth about a mysterious signal that she's intercepted.  We travel to a mysterious ship abandoned in the dead of space, and then ask you what exactly you expected to find there.

You can listen to the entire season at once via the website, nymsnotions.com, via your favourite podcast app, or with captions over on youtube!

Audio Art @ EWF

Oh my goodness, I'm so excited to let you all know that alongside some amazing audio artists, I will be showcasing a new piece of audio art at Late Night Lit as a part of the Emerging Writers Festival!  The theme is "Yesterday", and folks, the piece I have made for this event is some of my best work, I am so proud of it.

The event is 9pm on June 20, at the Loop bar and project space in the CBD.  It's completely free to attend, so if you're able, you should definitely come check it out!  It's going to be a wonderful night!